Woody's SMTP Blacklist: What Is It and How To Remove Yourself From It?

The Warmup Inbox Team
The Warmup Inbox Team

What Is Woody’s SMTP Blacklist?

The Woody’s SMTP Blacklist was created as a personal blacklist of IP Addresses that have been caught in the spam traps of listme@blacklist.woody.ch.  The primary purpose of this blacklist is to stop spammers who get email addresses from email harvester software.  Woody’s SMTP Blacklist is considered a spam-based blacklist that will list individual IP Addresses or entire ranges.  Those individual IP Addresses or entire ranges are responsible for sending unsolicited bulk email (UBE).

How Does Woody’s SMTP Blacklist Work?

Woody’s SMTP Blacklist works to block spam that is sent by spammers using email harvester software.  Any spammer that sends an email to listme@blacklist.woody.ch will be automatically added to Woody’s SMTP Blacklist.  You can view their entire database here.

How Can I Remove Myself From Woody’s SMTP Blacklist?

You can request to have your IP Address removed from Woody’s SMTP Blacklist.  To request removal, you need to lookup your IP Address here.  If your IP Address appears after the search, simply request to be removed.  Be sure to explain what the circumstances are and why you believe you should be removed.    

Please note, IP Addresses with repeat spam-like behavior are subject to being relisted on Woody’s SMTP Blacklist.  If an IP Address is relisted for repeat behavior, there is no guarantee that it will be removed again, if requested.  Woody’s SMTP Blacklist will keep that repeat offender on the list for as long as the Organization chooses.

How do I reduce my risk of getting onto Woody’s SMTP Blacklist?

The best way to avoid getting listed on a blacklist is to engage in proper email practices such as...

  • Verify all email addresses before attempting outreach
  • Avoid sending unnecessary emails
  • Avoid the use of spam words within your email drafts
  • Keep your sending volume to a minimum (30-50 a day if your inbox has been warmed up with us for at least 30 days)

Blacklist: An online database that aggregates email addresses and domains that have been reported on multiple occasions to be sending out spam or malicious content to others on a large scale. These blacklists are used as a reference by mail servers in order to determine how safe it is to accept messages coming from unknown domains and addresses.

IP Address: Internet Protocol is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network.  IP is the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the internet or local network.
