Lashback Blacklist: What Is It and How To Remove Yourself From It?

The Warmup Inbox Team
The Warmup Inbox Team

What is a Lashback Blacklist?

The Lashback Blacklist is an extremely up to date blacklist with approximately one million IP Addresses listed on it.  The reason the blacklist is so up to date is because it is automatically updated every single hour.  The Lashback Blacklist compiles IP Addresses that send email to addresses that were harvested from suppression files.  Lashback Blacklist is known as the world’s largest intelligence database because it’s been running for more than a decade.  The main focus of the Lashback Blacklist is to monitor unsubscribe compliance.

How Did I Get On The Lashback Blacklist?

IP Addresses that get caught sending emails to Lashback’s own email addresses, called unsubscribe probes, are listed.  Be careful, if you are a repeat offender, you may be charged a fee.  The fees are attempts to discourage bad emails from being spread around the internet.  If you did not physically send an email to a harvested email address to land you on this blacklist, then you may have a security issue.  If you are experiencing a security issue, you may be delisted and relisted immediately.

How Can I Remove Myself From The Lashback Blacklist?

Those who land on the Lashback Blacklist for the first time ever may request a free removal here.  You can delist an IP address free of charge once every 30 days.  If it happens a second time, there is a fee associated with the removal process.  The Lashback Blacklist requires thirty days to pass without incidents to be removed from the list.    

How do I reduce my risk of getting onto the Lashback Blacklist?

The best way to avoid getting listed on a blacklist is to engage in proper email practices such as...

  • Verify all email addresses before attempting outreach
  • Avoid sending unnecessary emails
  • Avoid the use of spam words within your email drafts
  • Keep your sending volume to a minimum (30-50 a day if your inbox has been warmed up with us for at least 30 days)

IP: An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two main functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing

Unsubscribe: request for an email to be removed from a company’s mailing list. When a recipient unsubscribes to messages or newsletters, they no longer want to receive communications from a business.
